TEOTWAWKI, the title for this series is a well-known acronym within survivalist communities, standing for The End Of The World As We Know It, generally referring to an unknown but all-encompassing threat. 72 Hours is a collage that combines Internet images of all the supplies Americans are advised to have on hand to survive 72 hours of an emergency situation, whereas Go Bag is based on preparations for a scenario requiring evacuation.

A Well-Stocked Pantry refers to the preparedness mandates of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For this piece I followed recommendations on the blog of two Mormon housewives who aim to help women build their three-month pantries by providing an elaborate excel sheet for meal planning.

EDC (Every Day Carry) is a piece consisting of 100 images found on the photo-sharing website Flickr, which had been uploaded by members displaying the supplies they carry with them at all times.